Regent's Place Masterplan
Over the last 15 years, Regent’s Place has transformed from an isolated commercial estate into a part of the city linking the local communities.
M3 began its involvement at Regent’s Place with managing the completion of two commercial buildings on the Euston Centre site and was invited to be the client’s development manager for the creation of Regent’s Place. This led to an extensive feasibility reviewing the constraints and opportunities, and commissioning a phased masterplan that enhanced connectivity with communities on all sides and introduce residential uses through two major projects: Osnaburgh Street and North East Quadrant. M3 then acted as development manager to implement the masterplan, from site assembly through the construction of over 1.3m sq ft of additional commercial and residential development with public uses throughout.
M3 continues to support the client through the evolution of the campus, assisting in tenant liaison and reviewing and implementing refurbishment and urban realm renewal opportunities.